So, we’re transitioning over to standards based grading? Yeah, we’re ready for that!


Are we ever truly ready for major, turn your world upside down . . .  change? Well, we may not be ready, but in just a few short weeks we had better be prepared!

We have spent a good portion of our summer getting ready for standards based grading.  We have chosen our priority standards across the board. Check. We have written our proficiency scales. Check. We have rearranged the standards and fixed the priority scales after the “final” state standards changed . . . again! 😉  (I’m smiling and winking now, but I sure wasn’t a couple of weeks ago. haha) Revisions, Check. We have developed some options for teacher data tracking. Check. We have created our yearly calendar by subject. check.

. . . and now the work goes on.

At this point we are completing phases one and two of our curriculum writing process using the backwards approach, of coarse. When we are finished structuring our units, we will write our assessments . . . and then the real fun begins!! We will work with our PLC teams to gather resources for our units. I truly love this part because it’s where all of the fantastic collaboration happens!

It really is going to be a great year. Change is exciting and our team is strong, bold, and ready for the adventure!

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